Prednáška sa koná pod záštitou Filozofického klubu NOUS.

O prednáške

When we hear 'radical social transformation', we often think of a revolution, that is, a sudden event that changes everything. Yet, the problem with revolutions is that they are rare and difficult to keep alive. Contemporary anarchist collectives – such as co-operatives, housing projects or autonomous zones – propose a different idea of a radical social change that could be considered 'evolutionary' rather than 'revolutionary'. How to account for this form of social change of contemporary anarchist movements in philosophical terms? This lecture will propose two concepts – 'mimetic contagion' and 'solidarity with singularity' – that will conceptualize an anarchist idea of social transformation and help us understand what is currently happening in anarchist activist milieus. It will suggest that anarchist movements have been practicing a 'slow social transformation' in order to create more habitable worlds for humans and nonhumans alike. These worlds are built to last.

Prednáška bude v anglickom jazyku.

O prednášajúcej

Iwona Janicka, Ph.D. je výskumníčkou aktuálne pôsobiacou na oddelení estetiky a kultúry Aarhus University (Dánsko), medzi jej predošlé výskumné pôsobenia patria napríklad Hannover Institute for Philosophical Research či University of Warwick. Špecializuje sa na súčasnú európsku filozofiu (P. Sloterdijk, I. Stengers, M. Serres, B. Latour, A. Badiou, R. Girard a iní), komparatívnu literatúru a teóriu (francúzska, kritická, literárna, feministická, queer, anarchistická), v jadre jej výskumu je otázka sociálnej transformácie. V poslednom čase sa zaoberá tiež otázkami politiky a ekológie a problémom sociálnej transformácie v kontexte klimatických zmien.

Z publikácií: Processes of translation: Bruno Latour’s heterodox semiotics (2023), Who Can Speak? Rancière, Latour and the Question of Articulation (2020), Theorizing Contemporary Anarchism. Solidarity, Mimesis and Radical Social Change (2017).